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Our next virtual workshop

  • “I’m retired, now what?” 

  • “What Changes to expect to your Adult Disabled Child’s benefits.”

Tuesday, November 12th - 6:30p - 7:30p

click here to RSVP and get your Zoom link

The Arc Kent County works to ensure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are valued in order that they and their families fully participate in and contribute to their community.

It is our vision that all people realize and fulfill their dreams of having employment, education, meaningful relationships and living independently within their community

 Send a quick and easy message to your legislators to support and approve the bipartisan SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act (S.2767/H.R.5408).  This is an important step to improve the lives of people living with disabilities.  

SI has outdated eligibility rules that limit how much money people can save, even for emergencies. This means millions of people with disabilities are forced to live on a financial knife’s edge.

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program was designed to combat poverty among people with disabilities, but the program’s outdated rules do just the opposite.  4 in 10 people who rely on SSI live in poverty, and many are one emergency away from homelessness or hunger.
This bill is supported by members of Congress from both parties. If passed, it will help improve financial security for millions of people with disabilities and older adults.

Voting is your right!
Information for voters with Disabilities in Kent County
Go there

includes information about the VAT technical issue

With education and awareness comes understanding and acceptance. The Arc Kent County views increased public awareness as one of the major components to greater understanding and community acceptance of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. To this end, The Arc Kent County staff provides members, families, professionals, organizations, and the community-at-large with direct and indirect information about intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Read about our year in review for 2023 here

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