Government Financial Benefits Counseling
Many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities qualify for disability benefits such as:
Supplemental Security Income
Social Security Disability Insurance
Representative Payee Services
Family Support Subsidy
Adult Home Help Services
The Arc staff can help answer questions that individuals, parents or guardians have about these and other benefits available.
Special Education & Disability Advocacy
Our staff is knowledgeable and provides experienced assistance and support to parents or guardians in preparing and understanding the Individual Education Plan (IEP), based on the 2004 re-authorized federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (“I.D.E.I.A.”) and Michigan’s Mandatory Special Education Act for children and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Training & Education Programs
With education and awareness comes understanding and acceptance. The Arc Kent County views increased public awareness as one of the major components to greater understanding and community acceptance of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
To this end, The Arc Kent County staff provides members, families, professionals, organizations, and the community-at-large with direct and indirect training (in-person & virtual) about intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Home Help Services Benefit Counseling
Adult Home Help Services is a program operated by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.
Adult Home Help Services (“AHHS”) are those characterized as unskilled and non-specialized activities, including personal care, essential to the care of the client and maintenance of the home. AHHS assists aged, blind, disabled and other functionally-limited individuals with necessary daily activities, which they cannot perform without assistance. The goal of this service is to maintain the recipient in his/her home and avoid a placement into an alternative care facility, that is, a nursing home or adult foster care arrangement. This goal is accomplished by identifying the client’s natural support system and strengthening it whenever possible.
Who is Eligible?
The individual needing services must have Medicaid
eligibility, require home help personal care, and must be living in an unlicensed setting.
Community Outreach Referrals
The Arc Kent County provides families with direct information about community resources as well as referrals to schools, physicians, dentists, attorneys, and others. Printed information is available upon request. A sample mailing packet would include: our national, brochure explaining the programs and services of The Arc Kent County, a membership application, plus other information relating to a specific request.
Self-advocacy information
Community resources