Your support and membership enables us to provide advocacy,
community education, information and referral services for
Kent County residents with intellectual and developmental
disabilities and their families.
Your membership and donation supports all of our programs including advocacy, community education, information and referral services for Kent County residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, and makes sure your voice is represented at a local and state level.
Your membership and/or donation gives us the opportunity to achieve in the following ways:
Develop, promote and maintain quality and effective programs and services.
Monitor national, state and local progress and trends in the area of inclusion, such as in education, employment, community living and recreation.
Increase public awareness of the needs, rights and abilities of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.
Encourage progressive and positive legislation regarding disability rights.
Educate the public regarding intellectual and/developmental disability rights, trends and services
Why become a member of The Arc Kent County?
You can help make a difference by joining The Arc Kent County. The Arc is an advocacy organization advocating for the rights and needs of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The larger our membership, the stronger our voice when we talk with our elected Legislators.
When you join The Arc Kent County:
You will be supporting “Quality of life for All” in our community.
You can be involved in local family support.
You can have individual family consultation, assistance on education issues and information on pertinent legislation.
You will receive The Arc Kent County’s e-newsletter on services, programs and local events. As well as the Arc MI and Arc U.S.
You can participate in special needs programs through The Arc Michigan and The Arc of the U.S. for people with disabilities.
You will have the opportunity to participate in Legislative advocacy training and get involved on the state level.
You can help influence legislation by helping us increase our local, state, and national membership numbers.
School staff advocate that are available to members
Expert, experienced professionals with knowledge on matters of:
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Social Security disability Insurance (SSDI)
Special Education Law
Adult Home Help Services (a.k.a., “Chore Services”)
Person-Centered Planning
Information and Referral on a variety of subjects
Availability of staff by phone or by web contact form
Automatic membership in the state and national organizations
Life and health insurance available through The Arc of the U.S.
The Arc’s Credit Card Program – a national credit card with no annual fee, available through The Arc U.S.
Publication (FREE – electronic website version only) of the award-winning Michigan Annual Income Tax Guide for families with a member who has special needs
Local, state and federal legislative advocacy
Reduced cost at conferences, seminars and special training events
Memorial Donation program